Visitor Info

Whether you're visiting for the first time or joining us again we invite you to review our visitor information. Anyone is welcome and we hope to make your visit as enjoyable as possible!

If you would like to provide contact or other information about yourself, want to receive our weekly newsletter email, or would like the Pastor to contact you, please fill out a Virtual Connection Card online.

WHEN IS worship?

The Service of Holy Communion begins at 10.30 AM on Sundays. University Lutheran uses the newest Lutheran hymnal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006). We use almost all of the various settings for the liturgy from ELW, changing settings as the church year changes.  Sunday services average a little over an hour in length. 

Additionally, each Tuesday we gather around the baptismal font for a service of hymns, prayer and communion commemorating the saints of the church. The service usually begins at 6.15 PM and lasts about a half-hour. 

Visit our Worship page to learn more about our services. We hear God's Word; we pray; we sing; we laugh!

wHAT IS Fellowship Hour?

We gather for coffee and conversation each Sunday after worship. During this time we invite you to introduce yourself to a church member and get to learn more about UniLu. Please join us as your schedule allows!

hOW dOES Communion wORK?

Communion is celebrated every Sunday and Tuesday. You may stand or kneel at the rail, extending your hand for the bread. Receive the wine by taking and sipping from the cup, or dip the bread into the wine (intinction). Non-alcoholic grape juice is also available and is offered when you take an individual glass from the front pew. Gluten-free wafers are available as well; please inform the pastor if you need one. After receiving the elements, return to your seat as you wish. If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine, you may participate by coming to the altar and folding your arms to receive a blessing. 


Hymns play a major part in how we respond to God’s Word. Many members will sing harmony when singing hymns. Others are less musically gifted, but together we always make a joyful noise.

Throughout the church year will be accompanied by organ music along with strings, winds, and vocals. We remember the words of St. Augustine, who said, “He who sings prays twice.” Visit our Music + Arts page to learn more about our music and our choir.


HOw Do I Give a Gift?

Visitors should not feel obligated to contribute when the offering plate is passed. We ask only that you give us your name and email address via the welcome cards located in the pew racks so that we can keep in touch. Visitors may also donate electronically via our Give a Gift page.

mAY i bRING mY children?

Children of all ages are welcome to worship with us. At present we do not have a nursery during worship services. There are activity kits for youngsters which the usher can provide for you. 

What sHOULD i Wear?

Our dress code is casual. You'll see sport coats, jeans, slacks, and skirts--even shorts in the summertime. Please note our sanctuary is air-conditioned. We don't care what you wear, just that you join us. 

hOW dO i gET THere?

We are located only minutes from 30th Street Station and the Schuylkill Expressway. Directions for travel and parking information can be found on our Contact Us page.