Who We Welcome

University Lutheran Church is welcoming all persons regardless of sexual orientation or gender presentation.

Affirmation of Welcome

Who is welcome here?
If you are Asian, Hispanic, Black, White or...
If you are male, female, transgender or...
If you are three days old, 30 years old, 103 years old or...
If you've never stepped foot in a church, are Muslim, Buddhist, Roman Catholic,   agnostic, a life-long Lutheran or...
If you are single, married, divorced, separated, partnered or...
If you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or...
If you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Socialist, not registered to vote or...
If you are visually-impaired, intellectually disabled, mobility-challenged or...
If you are working on a GED or college degree, in pre-school, grad school, or...
If you have, or have had, addictions, phobias, an abortion, a criminal record or...
If you live in the city or suburbs, in a dorm, on the streets or...
If you are differently gifted, differently abled, differently challenged...
Child of God, you are welcome here!

Affirmation of Welcome
as adopted by
the University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation
Congregational Council
Sunday, 14 November 2004
Amended September 2014