About Campus Ministry

University Lutheran is the Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) for Philadelphia. We invite students from all over the city to come be a part of our campus community!


We invite you to be a part of Lutheran Campus Ministry while you are a student here at the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, St. Joseph’s University, Walnut Hill College, Temple University, or any of the other city colleges and institutions in Philadelphia. Returning students and recent graduates have found a great community of friends through Lutheran Campus Ministry and young adult ministry at UniLu. 

At UniLu we welcome all people into a loving community where they can experience God’s grace through worship, friendship, and the opportunity to serve. Lutheran Campus Ministry strives to be a welcoming community, a place for people of any gender, race, national origin, and sexual orientation. We describe LCM as “an open door.” Our door is open to you no matter where you are in your faith journey. We seek to be an inviting, grace-proclaiming and open community of student disciples of Jesus, nourished by Word and Sacrament, friendship and service. 

Students are welcome to participate in every way: in worship as readers, singers, musicians, assisting ministers, prayer leaders, greeters, ushers, and communion assistants; in leadership as council members and officers; on committees; as artists; or just to come and quietly encounter the Sacred and quietly leave. 


I enjoy the Theology on Tap meetings. It’s nice to be able to get away from school work and spend time socializing with other young adults. It can be a nice break to help you get through the week while sharing a drink with friends.
University of Pennsylvania PhD candidate

UniLu provides community and family while I'm attending school away from home. Chill Night is an opportunity for me to set school aside for a while and enjoy good conversation and good food with friends.
Drexel University undergraduate

Participating in Campus Ministry is a great way for me to meet lots of other awesome young adults who share faith and beliefs similar to my own. It allows me to make lots of new friends I would not otherwise meet. It gives me a great community outside that of my school community to which I can turn when school gets stressful.
Temple University undergraduate


Campus Ministry is always up to something, so stay in touch! You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or read our weekly newsletter. You can also visit the LuMin Network homepage or Facebook page to learn more about campus ministry in the Lutheran church.

Campus Organizations

In addition to the services and programs for students offered through UniLu both Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania operate religious offices. Visit the links below to learn more.